Our Training


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The Healthy Life signature program

Our Take Control of Your Life! program is an intense training package that focuses on the trifecta of Fitness, Mindset, and Nutrition training. This combines training with a Certified Personal Trainer, a Grit Mindset Trainer, and a Certified Nutrition Coach. This package is for people that are serious about taking control of their body, mind, and health to finally start living the life they deserve.

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Personal Training

Get the personal fitness results you want while staying safe and injury free with a certified personal trainer.

Group Personal Training also available. Get your Sweat on with your friends!

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Mindset Development

Having the grit and mental tools to overcome obstacles, break through barriers, and stay calm in the face of challenge is often the difference between merely setting goals and actually achieving them.

Sleep Better Package also Available. Learn scientifically proven strategies to reprogram your brain for better sleep.


Nutrition Coaching

Navigating healthy eating choices can be challenging. Our Certified Nutrition Coach is here to help be your healthy eating “tour guide.”


Workshops and custom training are also available!